High school Ban Josip Jelačić

High school Ban Josip Jelačić offers several different programmes – both vocational (Hotel and Tourism Technicians, Business Technicians, IT Technicians, Trade, Catering, hairdressers and Beauticians) and general education programme. We take pride in offering our students a great number of extracurricular activities (facultative English/German/Italian, school cooperative, drama group, choir, art group, sports groups, etc.), as well as a lot of national and international projects that the school takes part in. Ban Josip Jelačić High School has taken an active role in numerous national and international projects, and it recognizes the benefits these projects bring to students, teachers, and to the school itself. The quality of school management, ICT and language competences as well as transversal skills have been improved, as well as media literacy. Also, by taking part in international projects, the European dimension has been introduced and the awareness of the special needs students’ inclusion. In the school’s daily practice, special stress has been put on the use of innovative teaching methods which put students at the centre of learning, encouraging their critical thinking, creativity, innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship, thus rising students' motivation and preparing them for the world of higher education and the world of work

1st Vocational High School of Vrontados

Our school – 1ST EPAL Vrontadou -is located in the archipelago of islands of the Northeast Aegean, on the island of Chios and the locality of Vrontados which is 7 km away from the capital of the island and has the second most populous group of Vocational Education students on the island (190 ). Ιt is a three-year State Vocational High School that offers study programs in 3 scientific sectors: ● Construction engineering (Constructions and Geoinformatics Technicians), ● Administration & Economics (Tourist Trade) and ● Merchant Marine Professions (Captain & Mechanic). The School currently employs 40 teachers of various specialties with postgraduate and doctoral studies. Our students, in addition to the theoretical knowledge, perform application exercises and upon graduation they get the High School Certificate and the Specialization Diploma of level 4. Our school also take part in local, national and international projects (Comenius, Ldv-Partnership, Erasmus + ,KA1 & KA2).

Jaunpiebalga Secondary school

OJaunpiebalga Secondary school is a general education establishment. It offers 5 educational programmes. Pre-schoo, general primary school programme, secondary education programme and two special educational programmes for students with learning disabilities. Jaunpiebalga secondary school is the biggest school in area with 360 students and 57 teachers. We teach three foreign languages: English, German and Russian. Besides the educational programmes there is a great possibilities to join afterlesson clubs, such as folk dances, choir, young guards, sports. Our school website: EN Jaunpiebalgas vidusskola ir vispārējās izglītības iestāde. Tā piedāvā 5 izglītības programmas. Pirmsskolas, vispārējās pamatizglītības programmu, vidējās izglītības programmu un divas speciālās izglītības programmas izglītojamajiem ar mācīšanās grūtībām. Jaunpiebalgas vidusskola ir lielākā skola apkārtnē ar 360 skolēniem un 57 skolotājiem. Mēs mācām trīs svešvalodas: angļu, vācu un krievu. Papildus izglītības programmām ir plašas iespējas pievienoties interešu izglītības pulciņiem, piemēram, tautas deju kolektīviem, koriem, jaunsargiem, sportam. Mūsu skolas tīmekļa vietne: LV


NGO from Lithuania "Creative Future Ideas" is working with different youth groups and organizations in non-formal education field. Our trainers and youth workers have big experience in using non-formal training methods in education, organizing seminars, conferences, events. KAI organize online and life seminars and trainings for YOUTH. All of them are carried out through art and creativity. KAI has produced a variety of tools and measures for non-formal games in these topics: Art therapy, team building, increasing creativity, protection of environment. Trainers use these tools in their daily job with youth, also rent them for other organizations.


Agrupamento de Escolas de Benavente

We are a group of schools with students from pre-school to secondary education. We have vocational and regular education students. Our school belongs to a local semi-rural community and our students don't have many opportunities to travel, to get to know the world and to meet people from other cultures. We have around 200 teachers and 2000 students aged 3-20 years old. We try to include all the students in our projects namely those with fewer opportunities and different disabilities. We are interested in sports, culture, history, human rights and we love to exchange experiences. Our students learn different languages such as English, French and Spanish and can choose from different areas of study: science, arts, languages and economics. Apart from educational programmes, we also have multiple clubs in the area of sciences, sports, environment, volunteering, and so on. WEBPAGE -

Asociatia Pentru Educatie Si Formare

ASEF is non-profit association born in April 2008 in Bacau. Association for Education and Training Bacau is a training center for the professional development of teachers and youth. Our mission statement is to develop new skills and competences about eco school, sustenability education, new technologies, IT and digitalisation, preventive activities to improve social and educational inclusion and develop projects about Eco- education and Erasmus projects, training courses, social projects for person with disabilities, research on education, revitalization and promotion of social participation in the environment. The objectives of The Association for Education and Training Bacau are: to create an environment favorable to develop best practice of adult education, enhance the European intercultural dialogue, eco, sport and volunteer projects, to promote and develop creativity for long life learning concept and for project too, to create a favorable atmosphere for an inclusive education, promote common European values, such as tolerance, respect for people, culture and tradition, multiculturalism and linguistic diversity, to make all the members have equal chances for self-development with no discrimination. ASEF is an institution open collaboration and partnership, interested to participate and initiate national and international projects, offering to all members opportunities for affirmation and valorisation.

Araxa Edu

Araxa Education is an institution that specializes in organizing Erasmus+ KA1 training courses across several cities in Europe. Our course programs are meticulously designed, reviewed by experts in the field, and regularly updated to align with the needs of our participants. At Araxa Education, we believe in the importance of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, citizenship/culture, and character education/connectivity, and we incorporate these values into our course programs. Our institution is actively engaged in school education. We work collaboratively with stakeholder schools in our region, public education centers, and associations to promote lifelong learning opportunities and outcomes across Europe. We believe that education is a fundamental right and should be accessible to everyone. Araxa Education has extensive expertise in strategy development, educational program development, institutional capacity enhancement, research, project design and implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. We leverage this knowledge and experience to contribute to the professional development of teachers and trainers, ensuring that they have access to high-quality education services that meet their needs.